All Bout Me

All Bout Me


Coronado High School

Colorado Springs, CO

Hey! Thanx for coming to All 'Bout Me! This is a page about me, where you can get to know me a little better!

I now live in Colorado, as you already know. There is a lot of beautiful places in Colorado, such as Crested Butte, Taylor Resivore, Vail ...and many more. Boy ...this state sure has grown a bunch since I moved out here. The bad part about Colorado is if you like nature a lot won't find much of it out here. The only places where you'll be surrounded by nature is in the mountains and there's a LOT of bugs up there *ewwy*. I like where I live ...but I loved living in Oklahoma. Colorado is great and all ...but I'm not in love with it or anything. I'm probably not helping you come visit my state am I? -ok- anyways ...

I'm VERY into music ...making/playing it, and listening to it. I play the clarinet in my school band, and I'm trying to learn to play the guitar. I've played the clarinet for 4 years, and I just got my guitar on December 19/98. I have ALWAYS wanted to play the guitar ...and I finally got one *YAY*! I LOVE listening to music all time favorite singer is Garth Brooks. I listen to a LOT of different kinds of music, such as: Classic Rock, Country, Oldies, Rock, Pop ...and a lot more. Music is a HUGE part of my life!

I'm not much of a people person ...well I am, but I'm terrified of people I don't know (like having to spend time with them. I love talking to people though, so Email me and we'll chat).

I'm not a baggy jean T-Shirt kind of girl. I like to wear Mudd Jeans, and nice shirts. I look like I'm popular, but I'm not! *lol* How could I ever be?!

I'm about 5'4", blonde/brown hair, one green eye-one blue, thin, not tan at all. My birthday is in May, and I'm 14. That's all you need to know for now!

I have ICQ! And AOL too! My ICQ number is 29974193 and my AOL account name is HazelLaurn. Send me a private message, or IM me sometime.

thatz MEE!